MiQ ERG Global Rebrand
Culture, Education, Work life
Medium term
This year, we invested in our employee resource groups (ERGs) in terms of good governance and support (both with time and budget) and we saw the exciting results immediately resonate. In 2023, following a UK reset the previous year, we used our learnings to strategically reposition our voluntary employee resource groups (ERGs) globally.
2024 was about implementing the plan with the flexibility to adapt during company growth. Our ERGs also became more unified, with an overarching brand that highlights their diversity and intersectionality. This resulted in better workflow clarity, an increase in exposure and membership, and new opportunities for cross-collaboration.
We've built momentum, further amplifying their collective voice, creating a greater sense of unity, celebrating our ERGs' diversity through education and awareness, and championing their unique identities within their community. Significantly, we strengthened our connections beyond MiQ to better support the conversations internally.
Reimagining our local and global ERG network demonstrates our dedication to providing a supportive and empowering environment where our communities and their intersecting identities can thrive and contribute to our collective success. We now have 40 passionate MiQers leading 16 ERGs worldwide.
We had four key focus areas: culture, ways of working, investment and ERG recognition
- Building unity and collaboration to fully utilise the ERG community to support each other.
- Amplify ERGs' presence and increase their membership base across MiQ.
Ways of working
- Ensure all ERGs are held to the same ERG code of conduct.
- Identified clear roles and responsibilities for ERG leads to ensure everyone plays by the same rules.
- Improved consistency on how ERGs are supported helps manage expectations.
- Improving ERG leader's rewards and recognition.
- Empower and develop our ERG leaders and their future successors through training and mentoring. This training is designed to support them individually, in their communities, and in their day-to-day (ongoing).
- Equity from access to senior leadership.
ERG recognition:
- Created new brand identities and toolkits with input from our ERG members (examples include unique emblems and consistent naming conventions for all ERGs, PowerPoint, and social media templates).
- In the past, our ERGs felt disparate and disconnected. The new identities were a collaborative effort between our ERG members and leads, Brand Creative, and DEI teams. We hope the new branding changes that experience and helps amplify the amazing work all our ERGs do.
The bold identities embody our core values, celebrating each ERG's unique community while uniting them under a shared vision.
* Please check out our 4th annual I.D.E.A. Report to learn more about our new ERG brand.

Describe how the initiative or campaign works?
ERG leaders are given clear roles and responsibilities during their tenure, so that the ERGs have accountability like any other position at MiQ. This included putting together a set number of member mixers, events, and outreach activities, set check-in times with Erica, our global DEI program manager, budget tracking, and beginning and end-of-year strategy sessions.
Throughout the year, they are given budget* and logistical support to help bring their annual strategy to life (calendaring, budget approvals and fee payments, event recording and captioning, etc.). All their plans must link back to their ERG mission statements. We then recognise and reward our leaders and promote their work on our internal and external channels to amplify and support their work.
2025 will aim to see us bring our ERG leaders together in a development summit and build on the success of 2024.
Can you tell us about the practical steps you took to set it up?
We tested this in EMEA in 2023 with local ERGs so we could see what worked, what the pitfalls were, and how to galvanise established ERG leaders around a new way of thinking. Through a Conversation Circle* and strategic annual planning session, we built a dialogue with our ERG leaders with the goal of moving this forward globally.
We then created a 3-year adaptable strategic transformation plan that extended to our global ERGs outside of EMEA. This plan was presented to the C-suite, and we also gained buy-in from marketing, internal comms, wider talent, local talent leads, and onboarding teams.
*Conversation Circles: Interactive, focused, brave, safe spaces designed to enable us to come together, driving dialogue and action around identity, culture and inclusion relevant to your teams every day. Designed to start the conversation, focus on self-reflection, and drive collective action across cultures with a DEI lens. Piloted and designed by Ally Tyger-Doyle in Bloom UK’s The Exchange (industry co-mentoring programme) in 2021 around Sexual Harassment, Ally then brought Conversation Circles into MiQ.
What was the first step you took to get it off the ground?
We conducted an audit to capture the state of play in 2023, which focused on the challenges and opportunities. We also looked at the networks we’re part of and what other companies were doing, so we were not looking at this in silo.
Our next step was gaining the trust of ERG leaders and the business that change was needed, and that more structure and resources would benefit the program. Importantly, our team also helped provide a sounding board to help pull together learnings and identify opportunity spaces with a global lens.
Who are the internal business partners you brought on board?
Head of EMEA Talent, Global President of Talent and Operations Talent, Executive Board, Onboarding teams locally, ERG Leaders, Executive ERG sponsors, marketing team, and our own global DEI team. We got as many people involved upstream at key touch points as possible to ensure they could support the vision and were aware of its importance early on and ahead of when their support would be needed.
Are there any external stakeholders you spoke to for advice?
Externally, we looked at what our clients, industry competitors and organisations beyond advertising and technology were doing with their ERGs to inspire and align best practices. This would not only support our business case for change (besides our knowledge as practitioners) but we were tailoring our ERG program to the needs of our MiQ’ers by strategically adapting the things we needed to.
How do you keep it going?
- Ongoing 3-year plan to change our ERG network with the ability to adapt as the business changes.
- Ensuring that ERGs are embedded into our onboarding process and the rest of our employee life-cycle.
- Requiring designated budgets for each ERG (global and local) to ensure equitable resource and funding allocation.
- Regularly scheduling meetings with ERG leads to keep them on strategy, mindful of fundamentals, and ensure they are properly supported.
- Promoting a monthly calendar of events so the wider business is informed of current ERG events.
What positive impact has this initiative or campaign had?
From 2023 to 2024, we expanded our ERG program from 12 to 16 global and local groups that are led by over 40 passionate MiQers. Between 2023 and the first half of 2024, they hosted over 20 guest speaker events, along with countless member mixers, book clubs, and outings, creating spaces for communal learning and connection. ERGs were called out by several employees as being a key motivator for engagement and belonging at MiQ.
What did you learn that could help others?
Starting with the basics and encouraging ERGs to focus on building their community is essential to building ERGs that can thrive through leadership and strategy changes. The more people are engaged and invested in their community, the more internal hand-raisers will help to support the ERG along its journey. Large-scale events are great for visibility and wider organisational allyship, but smaller-scale, community-focused events are how connections are made and community is built. Start small, be intentional and remain consistent by putting the community's needs first - keeping going!
How will you make the benefit of this initiative or campaign endure?
Each year, we work on our ERG strategy and make room for improvements, whether in a more targeted approach to ERG leadership or more transparency with the business. We know MiQers want to learn together and build a tighter-knit sense of community and unity, and we actively engage with our ERG leads to find out what works, what can be improved, and how we can innovate for a more vibrant program.